Everyday Conversations on Race for Everyday People

26 minutes 17 seconds ago
Everyday Conversations on Race for Everyday People
Everyday Conversations Race brings people together for cross-race conversations on race. If you have ever wanted to have a conversation about race, then this podcast is for you.Our mission is to disrupt the way race is talked about, break racial silos and have a global impact on how people see each other. We have from different backgrounds who share stories, thoughts on race, perspective on current social issues and pop culture happenings. We show that conversations about race are possible, urgent and essential for survival. Guests are all ages from very young to very old, immigrants, students, formerly incarcerated, executives, hourly employees, social activists, hip-hop artists, athletes and media. It’s serious, funny and insightful. We have a global mission for these conversations, to eliminate fear of differences, bring people together in the same space, and find surprising connections.
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Cross-Race Friendships; Can They Work?

5 years 8 months ago

Originally from Washington, DC, humanitarian, healer, artist and author/illustrator, Wanda K. Whitaker, believes that “the best relationship of all is the one you have with yourself.”  A certified hypnotherapist, visionary artist and Spiritual Life Coach, she currently spends her time working with individuals and groups on changing beliefs and bad habits that are not serving them, conducting workshops on self-awareness, personal growth and development, creating art that educates and advocates and helping to guide others to lead a more holistic lifestyle with spiritual practices.

Her life spans years of community service beginning when she was in her early 20’s in Washington, DC when she co-founded, Inner City Inner Beauty Productions to build self-esteem amongst at-risk youth to serving and volunteering with various nonprofit organizations. She was President of Whitaker & Associates, an events marketing and cause-related consultancy business she started in 1991 and Vice-President of the Board of Directors of Global Exchange, an international human rights organization. Today, she serves on the board of directors of the Create Peace Project.

 She believes her life purpose is to promote brotherhood and awaken people to their higher selves and greatest potential.

White City Welcomes People of Color

5 years 9 months ago

Karen Nelson shares journey as a young Black girl growing up in the segregated south to become the Chief Diversity Officer of Appleton, Wisconsin.

She had to overcome the sabotage of her career success early on by a white boss who refused to listen to her ideas because she was a Black woman. Karen went on to become an activist for civil rights and met the white mayor of Appleton who is a strong believer in diversity, inclusion and eliminating racism.

A predominantly white city,  of only 13% people of color, Karen and the mayor have created an environment in Appleton where people across all differences, especially immigrants are welcomed and encouraged to succeed.

This Every Day Conversation on Race demonstrates how just a few people can make a big difference in road to diversity, equity and inclusion in whole community.

How To Create A White Ally Toolkit

5 years 9 months ago

David Campt, dialogue thought leader has created the White Ally Toolkit, for white people who want to end racism.

His family was one of three Black families in his neighborhood in Detroit. He talks about class differences amongst Black people and how it impacted him.

He says "instead of being shocked about racial divisions, we need to start changing that." Most white people he's spoken with have very little meaningful interactions with Black people.

In this conversation on race, David calls me on my bias and asks about my awareness and transformation. Listen in if you want to know more.

David offers tips on how to talk about race with people who are different. There are three dimensions to think about when having a conversation on race.

1- Cultural Difference

2- Unconscious bias and the science behind it

3- Impact of history

Some people think unconscious bias exists and history matters. Other people think bias doesn't exist and history matters.

What are the ways we look at each other, and how do we deal with conscious bias too.

We have to talk to people who don't agree with us, don't understand racism and don't see it as a problem. Only talking to people who agree with us on race and racism doesn't bring about the change. White people who are conscious have to get to know and talk to other white people who don't believe that way.

Instead of seeing all white people who voted for Trump as a group, we need to each talk to one person and open their minds.

How To Create A White Ally Toolkit

5 years 9 months ago

David Campt, dialogue thought leader has created the White Ally Toolkit, for white people who want to end racism.

His family was one of three Black families in his neighborhood in Detroit. He talks about class differences amongst Black people and how it impacted him.

He says "instead of being shocked about racial divisions, we need to start changing that." Most white people he's spoken with have very little meaningful interactions with Black people.

In this conversation on race, David calls me on my bias and asks about my awareness and transformation. Listen in if you want to know more.

David offers tips on how to talk about race with people who are different. There are three dimensions to think about when having a conversation on race.

1- Cultural Difference

2- Unconscious bias and the science behind it

3- Impact of history

Some people think unconscious bias exists and history matters. Other people think bias doesn't exist and history matters.

What are the ways we look at each other, and how do we deal with conscious bias too.

We have to talk to people who don't agree with us, don't understand racism and don't see it as a problem. Only talking to people who agree with us on race and racism doesn't bring about the change. White people who are conscious have to get to know and talk to other white people who don't believe that way.

Instead of seeing all white people who voted for Trump as a group, we need to each talk to one person and open their minds.

How To Create A White Ally Toolkit

5 years 9 months ago

David Campt, dialogue thought leader has created the White Ally Toolkit, for white people who want to end racism.

His family was one of three Black families in his neighborhood in Detroit. He talks about class differences amongst Black people and how it impacted him.

He says "instead of being shocked about racial divisions, we need to start changing that." Most white people he's spoken with have very little meaningful interactions with Black people.

In this conversation on race, David calls me on my bias and asks about my awareness and transformation. Listen in if you want to know more.

David offers tips on how to talk about race with people who are different. There are three dimensions to think about when having a conversation on race.

1- Cultural Difference

2- Unconscious bias and the science behind it

3- Impact of history

Some people think unconscious bias exists and history matters. Other people think bias doesn't exist and history matters.

What are the ways we look at each other, and how do we deal with conscious bias too.

We have to talk to people who don't agree with us, don't understand racism and don't see it as a problem. Only talking to people who agree with us on race and racism doesn't bring about the change. White people who are conscious have to get to know and talk to other white people who don't believe that way.

Instead of seeing all white people who voted for Trump as a group, we need to each talk to one person and open their minds.

Does Global Travel Reduce Racism?

5 years 10 months ago

Will owning a passport make you less racist?

Lisa Francesca Nand, journalist and travel podcaster shares her experiences traveling the world as a bi-racial women, and how that impacts her worldview, and her career. Lisa is one of the top sports reporters  and travel podcasters in the UK, and in this conversation on race, talks about the impact her work has had on reducing bias.

Why Having an Interracial Family Doesn't Make You Free of Racism

5 years 10 months ago

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In this fascinating conversation on race, John Blake, the CNN reporter who covers race, religion and politics shares his experiences and thoughts on race. You definitely want to hear this episode of ”Every Day Conversations on Race.”


Race has always been an important issue to John Blake. He shares his experience as a biracial young man growing up in West Baltimore where the Freddy Gray riots occurred, and where The Wire was filmed.


Regarding Governor Northam of Virginia, and the issue of Blackface, John refers to Lyndon Johnson and Abraham Lincoln who had racist histories, but later did great things for Black people., “Some of our best friends have been racist,” he wrote in a recent article.


“Thinking about Lincoln and Johnson,” he states “made me ask whether we want someone who works for  Black people who has made mistakes that we can talk to, or someone who is able to successfully hide their racism and do nothing.”


He said that social media will destroy people over one wrong statement and there’s no redemption. “We fixate on other people but not how we all have issues of race. Even I do,” he admits.


We talk about the myth that if there all you need to get rid of racism, is more intermarriage and biracial children.


Listen now if you want to know

  • why you can still be racist even if you have people of color in your family or a Black best friend
  • what’s whitesplaining and how some white people try to tell Black people what racism
  • why John Blake was accused of mansplaining by his wife
  • how reporting on gang activity in Los Angeles affected his thinking on race and systems
  • what he thinks of Rachel Dolezal
  • why we need new ways and language of talking about racism
  • actions we can take to look at ourselves, further the conversation on race, and stop racism


Episode 25 : The Truth About Anti-Semitism at the Women's March - A Jewish Woman of Color and member of the Women's March Isteering committee

5 years 10 months ago

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April Baskin,  a Jewish woman of color joined me for an Every Day Conversation on Race to share her perspectives on Judaism, race, the women’s march and social justice.


Her African-American, Native-American and White Ashkenazie Jewish background made her the person she is today, a social activist who has been instrumental in bringing people together across differences. She has had many every day conversations on race, ethnicity, religion, and economic class.


April has a very strong Jewish identity and has held several leadership positions in mainstream Jewish organizations.. Even though she was the VP of Audacious Hospitality at the Union for  Reform Judaism, she has experienced racism within the Jewish community. The false myth that all Jews are white, has sometimes led white Jews to question her Judaism, telling her she is not Jewish enough or interrogating her by asking, “How are you Jewish.” This is a question that white Jewish people are not asked, nor are they told they are not Jewish enough.


There is another false belief amongst some  more right wing  white Jewish people that there is a “special issue” of Black antisemitism. There is some antisemitism and racism in every group particularly when people don’t know each other.  Instead of getting to know individuals in any group, some people take the “easy and lazy” way out and rely on the media, one negative experience or Facebook and Twitter rumors to generalize a group. It’s a cognitive dissonance that when someone in  a group we are part of (racial, cultural, etc.) we see them as on individual but when it’s an individual from another group they represent everyone.


We also discussed her thinking that some of the claims of anti-Semitism are coming from trolls and people who don’t support equality and want to use Jewish people as scapegoats to separate us from Muslims and people of color who have also been targeted and attacked. Their strategy is to make Jewish people feel like they are being attacked by people on the progressive  side and no longer align with them.


This has been particularly problematic in the recent Women’s March, of which April is on the steering committee. In our conversation on race, April spoke about the misconception that the whole leadership of the women’s march was anti Semitic based on the relationship one of the leaders has with Minister Farrakhan who had consistently made anti-Semitic statements.



April made the compared that by saying that if a Jewish person in a synagogue makes a racist statement that doesn’t mean all Jewish people are responsible, and it would be wrong to assume that and condemn all Judaism.


It’s important for April and other Jewish women to be part of the women’s march and educate people who may not know about Judaism and what is considered offensive no matter who they are.  At the same time, it’s important for white women involved in the Women’s March to learn about racism. We need each other and the only way we can be successful and eliminate inequality is by education, experience and working together.


This is why April feels that open, honest and sometimes difficult conversations on race are crucial to stop hate and fear of people who are different.

Episode 22 : Latin X in the Conversation on Race

5 years 11 months ago

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Conversations on Race and LatinX with Bernardo Ferdman and Placida Gallegos


What is LatinX? Bernardo Ferdman, a Jewish Latino, born in Argentina and raised in Puerto Rico, and Placida Gallegos, a Chicana woman define LatinX, and talk about issues of race, skin color, and ethnicity in the Latin culture.


They share issues of skin color, ethnicity and race in the Latino culture.  Placida talks about her family and how being light skinned was valued more than her siblings who were darker, as well as how men had more power and value than women.


Bernardo talk about his experiences as a white Latino who is also Jewish, and what binds LatinX people together.


The Spanish language is gender based, and there are different endings of words based on gender. LatinX includes all genders, ethnicities and skin colors.


Topics of interest:

  • LatinX- why, how and impact of the term
  • Questions about the term and pushback
  • Origin and meaning of the term Chicano
  • Colorism in the overall LatinX culture
  • Terms that used to be acceptable and is no longer
  • Conversations on race within the LatinX community and outside the LatinX community
  • Generation differences in the Latino community
  • History of Salsa and Caribbean music and new music blends
  • Intersections and complexities of Latin culture
  • Bad Bunny, Cardi B, and the popularity or Latino reggaeton, and trap music
  • Objectification of Latina women
  • The racial aspect of immigration issues today in the US
  • Patterns of racism in the immigration discussion
  • Impact of the media, dehumanization and villification of people from Mexico and countries who are fleeing violence and oppression


[caption id="attachment_988" align="alignleft" width="150"] Bernardo[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_989" align="alignleft" width="150"] Placida Gallegos[/caption]



Episode 21 : Healing from racial and economic trauma

6 years ago

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Key topics:

Block Chain for Social Justice

Resilient Wellness

Black female entrepreneurship

Racial and economic trauma

Diversity, Equity  and Inclusion in the Block Chain world


Daisy Ozim who grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area and in Lagos, Nigeria, is the founder Resilient Wellness, a co operatively owned healthcare system that provides holistic medicine and health education to marginalized and underserved communities.


She's also the director of Blockchain for Social Justice that uses Block Chain technology to uplift marginalized communities and eliminate poverty and close the wealth gap.


Daisy says it important to talk about race because racism is one of the biggest issues that we're facing in society as a whole.  It’s also important for us to talk about race because we cannot heal or address racism and  all of its manifestations if we don't have a conversation about it.


Her organization Block Chain for social justice is a collaborative organization and that focuses in three key areas,

  • Block Chain developer training. Daisy helps people of color and people in lower income communities become block chain developers because they can make $250,000 to $400,000 a year


  • Education and access that results in creativity


  • Equity in the Block Chain community


Block chain technology can be used for social justice and to help low income and people of color or it can be used to further nefarious goals that hurt people of color.


She wants to ensure that people of color can generate wealth and protect themselves from economic trauma like the Black Wall Street Massacre in Tulsa, Oklahoma.


Her public health work helps people physically, mentally and emotionally heal from racial trauma and internalized racism


Guest: Daisy Ozim

[caption id="attachment_965" align="alignleft" width="150"] Daisy Ozim[/caption]


Episode 20 : Political Correctness vs Cultural Competence, Expanding the Privilege Convo

6 years ago

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Dr. Nika White


Dr.Nika White a thought leader in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion talks with me about race in South Carolina and her earliest memories of racism as an African-American woman. This is a very powerful discussion with real solutions.




In order to have a meaningful conversation on race, across race, we need to be focused on cultural competence as opposed to being  “politically correct.” The emphasis on “political correctness,” hampers openness, listening to each other and can be a barrier to conversations on race and other differences.


There more kinds of privilege that need to be acknowledged and recognized. When privilege is not recognized, it can lead to bias, assumptions and biased behavior. At different times, different privileges are more prominent and have a more profound impact on people’s lives.


The point of talking about privilege is not to create shame or guilt but to have greater clarity in the conversation on race and foster more inclusion. Privilege is about the cards we are dealt that give people an automatic advantage in certain situations. Once we recognize our areas of privilege we can use those privileges to ensure equity and inclusion for everyone.


Diversity has a lot of layers beyond race; age, sexual orientation, socio-economics, etc. that need to be included in the conversation. For some people it’s easier if we begin by talking about the other dimensions and then talk about race.  Everyone must be included. If we don’t address issues of privilege we will not be able to stop racism.


White men can play a key role in change and creating opportunities for everyone else. There are great people of all backgrounds working in the diversity, equity and inclusion realm. It’s not just people of color doing it.


Nika shares a story of being in a meeting when a white man tried to shut her down. Another white man spoke up in support of her. Don’t wait for people who are the targets of biased behavior to say something. Speak up right away. We all need to play a role in building equitable workplaces and communities.


When people don’t see a problem when there is bias, they are perpetuating the problem.


[caption id="attachment_950" align="alignleft" width="150"] Dr. Nika White[/caption]

Episode 19 : Are LGBTQ People of Color Viewed as Sexual objects?

6 years ago

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My guests were in this episode are Paoi Eulalia and Alessandra Stevens from MXD Magazine.

MXD Magazine is a publication that celebrates LGBTQ People of Color (POCs), non-conformists, and allies. Both Paoi and Alessandra are Filipino-American but represent different genders and generations.


One of their objectives is to fight racism masked as sexual preference, among other façades. Too often LGBTQ people of color are either objectified as exotic sexual objects or are totally invisible. We discuss the different ways LGBTQ people are seen as sex objects and not as real people.


MXD Magazine aims to celebrate and bring LGBTQ people of color deal with issues that concern them.


It’s still all too common that LGBTQ people are presented in the media as all white men. Not only are people of color in general missing from the conversation but also Transgender people who are most often targets of violence and discrimination are discounted.


Within the LGB community there is still a lack of education, bias and transphobia.  MXD Magazine is all-inclusive and features several people who are transgender. The magazine is still in its infant stages and most of the articles and features are male focused but by bringing in Alessandra and other women they hope to change that.


We discuss how the right therapy and therapists can make a difference in people’s lives for self-acceptance, internalized homophobia and transphobia.  Both Alessandra and Paoi see the importance of increasing the amount of LGBTQ therapists who are people of color and eliminating the stigma that some people still have regarding therapy. They each share their own experiences as to how therapy has helped each of them become the healthy emotionally, mentally and spiritually.


We agree that there needs to be more attention paid to intersectionality in the LGBTQ community in order to have the conversation on race and other differences. No one is just one identity, or just LGBTQ.  People are from different cultures, generations, religions, races, etc.  Those multiple identities can create commonalities and connections if we are willing to look at them. No conversation on race, gender identity, or sexual orientation can be meaningful without understanding intersectionality.


Resources mentioned in this episode


Paoi Eulalia   Publisher@MXDMagazine.com






Episode 18 : Are Whole Cities Racist?

6 years 1 month ago

LeRon Barton is a widely published author on race, mass incarceration and dating. He is    40 years old and African-American.


Key topics on the show are:

  • The importance of white people having conversations on race with each other.
  • What white people and other people can do to be allies
  • When people not in the target group need to speak out against racist or inappropriate comments and when they need to not speak for people of color or members of a group being targeted
  • Why too many white people are afraid to have a conversation about race with people different than them
  • Times when Black people don’t speak up because they don’t want to be seen as the angry Black person , so they water their comments down
  • How Obama had to walk a fine line when showing emotions
  • Simma and LeRon disagree about Obama as a president
  • Why we need more cross-race conversations about race that discuss solutions and not just talk
  • LeRon and Simma disagree about South Carolina. LeRon thinks there is nothing good about South Carolina and Simma says that she spoke at a diversity conference in South Carolina and met great people. Also, South Carolina has had a lot of civil rights activism and you can’t put down everyone in a whole state. Can a whole state be racist? Simma says no.
  • Solutions to racist monuments- should they be taken down, put in a museum or destroyed?
  • How to handle the dangers of being Black in America today, and in particular being a Black man. LeRon wrote an article- on “Staying Alive While Black.”
  • Is stand your ground and open carry only for white people?


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Episode 17: Everyday Conversations on Race with Precious Stroud - Black Women's Project

6 years 2 months ago

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Precious Stroud- founder or the Black Female Project.org


Precious Stroud- Gen X Black Woman from Berkeley

Importance of story telling in communications


Important to talk about race because everything is racialized. She says race impacts everything in her life.


Impacts how society was set up. If someone believes another person is inferior based on color of skin, they won’t promote that person.


Economics doesn’t impact how long Black people live but it’s the result of racism.


She has been a friend with people from different races and backgrounds since she was in elementary school.


Her first experience with racism that she remembers was people not wanting to sit next to her little sister at Marine World because of how dark her sister was.


Jim Crow was not that long ago. Her great grandmother was first generation born free. Coping skills for being Black in the US were passed down and Precious has had to unlearn some of the fears for survival sake that she internalized.


She is working on just being herself instead of having to feel like she needs to take care of “white women,” so she will be accepted.


Precious started the Black Female Project to help Black females tell the truth about their experiences in the workplace. She always felt pressure to navigate and code-switch at work, which took its toll on her stress level and health.


She was hired at her last job for her talent and creativity, and then was told she wasn’t

“measuring up,”  and didn’t meet “their standards.” This is very common issue for Black women who are told they speak up too much, don’t fit in, or not meeting expectations.  In addition,  she later found out she was paid less than a white man at the same level.


It’s also common for Black people in organizations to not get feedback about their work, or areas for improvement until they get fired. When they ask why they didn’t get feedback before, their manager told them that they didn’t want to be seen as racist.


The Black Female project celebrates Black females in the workplace and to have them share their stories. Racism in the workplace contributes to autoimmune diseases and hair loss. Sharing their stories has been healing for all the women who participated. It is in-person, online and ongoing.


It’s important for Black females to speak up about racism and inequality.


Prccious talks about the myth of the “angry Black woman,” and how Black women are stereotyped that way any time they show emotion, disagree or speak up for themselves.


Her project is continues to grow. They are also starting the Black Teacher’s Project.


Check out BlackFemaleProject.org


Episode 15: Everyday Conversations on Race with Jada Imani

6 years 2 months ago

Jada Imani, an Oakland, CA-based  MC, hip-hop artist, workshop facilitator, and founder of the Tatu Vision movement, is dedicated to helping co-create regenerative communities through her performing event production and hosting, healing practice, and coalition-building with communities of poets, Hip-Hop aficionados, entrepreneurs and Permaculture practitioners. She was born in Belleville, Illinois and spent half of her childhood in Illinois and Missouri.

Jada believes we are all influenced by race, and she thinks of leveraging her unique position of being from a mixed-race background to bring Black and White together.

Apart from sharing about Tatu vision activities, Jada shares her favorite cultural music mashups. Talking about Hip-hop culture, she points out the difference between a true hip-hop soul and gimmicky people. Disrespect to the hip-hop culture by such people brings a lot of disappointment to Jada.

Since childhood, Jada has loved music and gets inspired from every genre. She shares about how she uses music and performing to bring people together across race and make everyone feel included.

Talking about her experience of racism, her light skin attracts a lot of attention and has experienced painful comments from Black and White people.

According to Jada, a lot of millennials are more sensitive and interested in growth and liberation. But there is still hatred and racism among some of the young generations, most probably the effect of acquiring this hatred from their previous generation. Many of the white supremacists are millennials.

Jada says it most important to focus on your growth, peace, and love but also don’t avoid the crucial matters like racism!! It needs to be solved.

Episode 16 : Everyday Conversations on Race with Howard Ross and Tracy Brown- Redemption, Race and Belonging

6 years 2 months ago

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Howard Ross and Tracy Brown- Experts on race, belonging, and all aspects of diversity and inclusion for over 25 years.
Howard is a white Jewish man and a baby boomer and Tracy is an African-American woman and a baby boomer.
Most people want to feel like they belong to something greater than themselves and being part of an environment where they can feel supported and connected.
Tracy started cross-race dinners where people talk about race, make new connections and new friends.
Tracy has facilitated dialogues about race and race relations in corporations where people were afraid to talk about race with each other.
She saw people drop their fear of each other and collaborate more.
Howard discusses the need for people who are in dominant groups to learn, understand and support people from non-dominant groups.
There are ways to have the conversation and make a difference without shame, blame and attacking people. That doesn’t make any positive changes.

Why people are afraid to talk about race

People of color are worried about repercussions in the work environment and in other environments if they speak up.
White people are afraid of saying the “wrong thing.”
Tracy asks, “do you want to be a diversity cop or diversity coach?”
While there are times someone might have to be a “diversity cop,” but we you really want change and transformation you need be a “Diversity coach.”
Howard Ross,”In organizations my job in diversity and inclusion is to be a facilitator, and not an advocate.” In his life outside of work, he is an advocate but if he’s an advocate in the corporate environment, he won’t be able to help facilitate change.”

At what point should someone be fired and at what point should they be educated?

Howard supports free speech. He asks, ”What is the intent? Do they just not know, it’s a one time incident that is not systemic. However, there are the incidents that happen over and over and need to be stopped.
There is a difference between what happened with Megyn Kelly and Juan Williams.
The Juan Williams incident was an example of extreme political correctness. He should not have been fired.
Tracy Brown,” Zero tolerance is inappropriate. It takes away opportunity for change, learning and increased understanding.

Key points:

  • Recognize and share your blind spots- like when you become aware of your own bias or other people point out a bias to you.
  • Know why this is important to you personally
  • Seek solutions instead of just complaining about problems
  • When you fire someone there is no way to hold them accountable for their behavior and they will take their behavior somewhere else. There is no one who will force them to behave differently.”
  • White people don’t think about race all of the time, but people of color are always having to deal with racism and bias at different levels.
  • No matter who we are, we can all say the wrong thing at different times.
  • Be aware of the impact your words and actions have on other people. It’s really offensive when white people put their hands on Black people’s hair.
  • As experts on diversity and inclusion, we have to be aware of how we “correct” or call attention to someone behavior that might be inappropriate
  • Allow people to change and redeem themselves when possible
  • Take time to listen and understand other people’s lived experience who are different than you
  • Learn about privilege. Having privilege doesn’t make you a bad person but you need to understand what they means. White people don’t have to tell their kids to be careful when they’re driving and what to do when they are stopped by cops
  • There are subtle ways that antisemitism shows up even when it’s not overt
  • We have to learn and share the history of other ethnic and racial groups
  • The conversation on race has to go beyond Black and White.
  • Why it has mostly been black and white
  • Because it has been the most prevalent
  • No one is just one identity
  • We are all intersections, race, class, gender, sexual orientation, etc.
  • Too often there is a misconception that all people of color have the same dynamic when dealing with race
  • There is also a lack of understanding that not all Black people have the same experience
  • A black person from Africa from an upper-class background doesn’t have the same trauma or history as someone who is African American and dealing with post traumatic slave syndrome
  • When you fire someone there is no way to hold them accountable for their behavior and they will take their behavior somewhere else. There is no one who will force them to behave differently.”
  • White supremacy, racism, anti-Semitism has been normalized and spread by the political climate and people at the highest levels
  • Are we going to choose evil and hate, or are going to build a country of love and acceptance. We choose love, acceptance and responsibility and need everyone who feels the same way

[caption id="attachment_899" align="alignleft" width="150"] Tracy Brown[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_900" align="alignleft" width="150"] Howard Ross[/caption]

Episode 14 : Patrick Tindana and Simma, "The Inclusionist" in an everyday conversation on race

6 years 2 months ago

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Patrick Tindana nd Simma, “The Inclusionist,”

Patrick Tindana and Simma, “The Inclusionist” in an everyday conversation on race.


Key topics:

Hear the history and motivation behind Everyday Conversations on Race.

What it was like to be the only white student at a Hispanic college, and why it’s not the same as being the only person of color in an all-white school.


Why it’s more important for white people to take action to eliminate racism today than to spend time feeling guilty.


The intersection, overlap and questions related to race, color, ethnicity and other differences. How skin color can determine health outcomes, access to services and treatment by others.


Too often when people feel uncomfortable around people who are different, they ignore them and people of color become almost invisible.


There are different ways to talk about race. Some people relate to intellectual, academic conversations like Robin DeAngelo, and other people connect more on emotional levels or specific examples like Beau from the 5th Column. Both ways can prompt listeners, particularly white people to take action.


While racism in systemic and institutional, it’s created and perpetuated by individual people. It will take individual people to change those systems and processes, and no one can do it alone.


Patrick breaks down the differences in understanding and experiencing racism in the US between a Black person born in the US and Black people coming from Africa.


He talks about the exhaustion of dealing with racism every day, and  knowing that people of color are getting detained for selling water, harassed for speaking Spanish, or babysitting for white kids.


Patrick and Simma share their diversity heroes who have stepped up and spoken out against racist actions, and diversity zeroes who have harassed people of color for speaking Spanish, called police on the Black man babysitting two white kids, or going entering his own apartment.


[caption id="attachment_866" align="alignleft" width="150"] Patrick Tindana[/caption]